Monday, March 26, 2012

Uranus and the Inner Compass

Artist: Mario Duguay
Are you the type of person who listens to the counsel of others in all matters, or do you trust your own guidance and authority when it comes to making decisions?

Sometimes the inner authority runs counter to everyone around you and if that feeling is authentic and strong, you know you just have to follow its impulse.

Lately I’ve had this issue come up in my life in quite significant ways. And it got me thinking about the planet Uranus in Astrology. In mythology, Uranus is the rebel, the deviant, the one who breaks with tradition. I have noticed that wherever Uranus is in the Natal Chart is where we just cannot abide, cannot follow because we are not wired to.  It is where we make our own rules and break with the old. 

This is how Astrology interprets Uranus too. It can bring wisdom from the soul or the universe/which may or may not occur simultaneously with sudden outer changes.

This applies to transits too. So every place that Uranus touches in the chart is a place where change, shock, surprises and sudden insights are bound to occur within you, be caused by you, or likely to happen around you.

In a society that functions the way that it does, Uranus is not welcome. Sudden twists and turns which nobody could have foreseen do not fit into the standardized, mechanized, clockwork world we seem to live in.
Yet, I feel, that simply because it exists, it must and does have a very crucial role to play in our lives and in our evolution as people. For everything is connected infinitely and intricately, and whatever is within our experience is part of our experience. So we can’t dismiss it.

Uranus is in the early degrees of Aries at the moment and this signifies the start of something completely new in our lives. So for every single person on the planet, some part of their lives  is radically shifting. Something new is starting. This usually focused on the concerns of the house Uranus is moving through in the astrological birth chart.

In ways we are all confronting previously unquestioned beliefs, authorities and controlling people in our lives (Uranus doesn’t like limitation or being trapped). Uranus is an aspect of our psyche so it is that impulse within us which cannot tolerate feeling tied down, pressured, caged or even feeling confined within the limitations of a perceptual framework. Which is why Uranus is sometimes associated with the liberating process and state of enlightenment.

Ultimately it is our own heart which feels the pain of regret or the joy of fulfillment. Nobody else can feel that and I feel that this is why we must move forward beating our own drum. Listening to our own rhythm because it will never lead us astray. So locate the place within your life, where you feel the desire for freedom and meditate on it, for it will certainly hold truths about what to do. 

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