Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Crystal Healing: Are they just a bunch of rocks?

I have encountered a few sceptics since becoming more vocal about my spiritual and metaphysical leanings. So today I thought I would try and explore and break it down a little about crystals in particular. What’s  special about crystals? Why get into crystals at all?

Jupiter Images 

Well, to start off they are quite pretty to look at.  There is something pleasant about staring restively into shimmering, clear, smoky, clouded and colourful crystals which are abundant on our planet.  Just imagine all that mathematical perfection, many years in the making, among soil, sand and dirt.That, in and of itself, seems like such a miracle. That it’s just there, gleaming underneath our feet or inside a mountain, cave or under the sea.

Crystals, like flowers, are pleasing to the eye and, I feel, are the eyes equivalent to the sound of waves on a meditation track. Both flowers and crystals symbolize beauty, creation and peace in physical form. Flowers are pleasant to humans:  the smell, colour, texture and also the meanings we ascribe to them are psychologically beneficial.

To take it one step further, Crystals are said to hold certain powers, specific to each individual type of crystal. Wearing or holding any stone may create certain sensations within the individual’s energy system or aura.

This is the basic idea behind crystal healing. Crystals are reflections of perfection because of their intricate and varied structural compositions. Which is why all crystals encourage healing. This structural makeup creates a signature energy vibration (as all particles are vibrating at subtle levels) So wearing, holding or being near one has a healing effect on our personal energy system and this ripples out to those around us.

For instance, I find it interesting to compare smells and crystals. Certain smells are repulsive and some are even bad for you. Other smells make us feel calm, happy, and have healing properties. Aromatherapy does this, it actively uses specific essential oils, incenses and herbs and other remedies to bring about specific states of being.  Crystals operate in much the same way. Something pleasing to the eye, or with significant positive emotional connotations are far better for you, than something aesthetically unappealing and which holds bad vibes for you. 

A common and yet unconscious way we utilize this energy is our idea of having good luck charms. Something like a lucky bracelet, pair of underwear, jacket, tie, lipstick. Any item which we assign the quality of luck to, because of our positive experiences with those items. 

Crystals work in much the same way on all levels. Try it out for yourself and see how wonderful crystals really are. Right under our noses!

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