Sunday, March 2, 2014

Who are you now?

So it's been a while right? So much happens in life, so fast. Must be the quickening of time the Mayans foretold.

Right now we are all going through deep change.(When aren't we?) Change is now more of a constant as you will now realize. Our idea of life has become much more adaptable, and we move with the current. Don't get me wrong. We still have issues to work on and karma to deal with but there just seems to be a mixed bag of events happening all around us now.

 I've been calling myself a spiritual person for such a long time, but the truth is that was way to broad a definition. I now go by terms like ally, healer, partner, witch, starseed. I tacked more labels on for easy reference.

When you sew a label onto something which you like, you tack it on lightly so it can be easily removed later on. That's what we do in life as well. Or rather, that's what most of us are doing now since the awakening. We are not so cut and dry, attached to our definitions of self. We understand that to get too attached is what is 'wrong' with the world. Be more ephemeral, more loose, more light, more open, more flexible. We all seem to be in a sort of identity crisis. And for the first time, we are actually ok with that.

We don't need to be so specific in order to experience life. We want life to inspire, surprise, nurture and sustain us. We can't do so when we are stuck to something solid like a self belief, a prejudice, dogma, rules, things we don't believe we can do, say or be.

Be like a piece of seaweed on the ocean. Be manipulated by the current of life with an attitude of trust and surrender...

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